Bosals and Bosalitos

We make bosals and bosalitos out of cowhide, bullhide, kangaroo leather and cowhide leather. We do not make our own leather, but we do make our own rawhide.
Our hides are sourced from Mahia, Mahanga, and Lake Waikaremoana, and are cured and prepared by us.
We make sure to only use the best quality rawhide and leather. We make a variety of rawhide products including Bosal, Bosalita, and Underbridles.
This page will show you a collection of rawhide, some of which is available right now!
The bosals are made with a variety of cores:

twisted rawhide (one or two layers),
twisted leather (two layers),
sewn rawhide,
6 plait braid
4 plait braid
rounded leather
rawhide string
We make single or double pencil bosalitos. The number of strings used for the body of the bosal ranges from 4 up to 16 strings; most commonly. The nose buttons are made at 7" when laid straight. 
We can custom make to specifications.

We also make a range of bosals out of heavy woollen mecate rope, lariat rope and horse hair rope. The lariat rope bosals can be double or single layered. These bosals come with or without a braided nose button.
Horse hair rope is as we procure the material but is generally tail hair.
Various knots are used and we are learning new ones all the time.


8 products